As year-end celebrations begin, we have three Emmy-winners to thank for the resurgence of champagne coupes… Mad Men, Boardwalk Empire and The Crown.
The shallow wide-mouths and short stems of coupes, also called champagne saucers, were all the rage during the periods depicted in each of the series above. Coupes also were the first stemware designed specifically for drinking champagne. Prior to their introduction in 1830, bubbly was consumed from the same glasses as beer and cider.
Another tradition – one distinctly not exhibited in The Crown, was that of imbibing in one big gulp – like slamming back a shot of tequila. Drinkers didn’t WANT to savor the bubbles nor the aroma. Trends change, however. As fizz became more popular, flutes replaced coupes. The flute’s long taper was better suited for prolonging the bubbles – a champagne characteristic previously ignored. In fact, some flutes emphasized the bubbles artificially.
No matter which shape you prefer, upon reaching the surface of the beverage, champagne bubbles dissipate leaving a distinct aroma – one which is synonymous with celebrations. Before you start your celebrations, view more about our coupes and flutes here.
Whether you choose to gift these beauties away or keep them for yourself, on this, the birth of a new decade, we are raising our glasses to you.
Best wishes for a happy & healthy 2020 from Elijah Slocum.
Ca 1880